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- åWindows
- This section describes each of Disinfectant’s windows.
- xThe Main Window
- The main Disinfectant window is the one you will use most often. It
- contains the main controls for the application and it displays the report
- generated by the application. The main window is always open and cannot
- be closed.
- The operation of Disinfectant is controlled by six buttons in the main
- window:
- “
- “
- • Drive and Eject. Use these buttons to select the disk you want to scan
- or disinfect. The Drive button cycles through all of your hard disks and
- floppy disks. The Eject button is used to eject a floppy disk.
- ”
- ”
- • Scan and Disinfect. Use the Scan button to scan the disk you selected.
- Disinfectant will check the disk for infections, but it will not try to repair
- infected files.
- Use the Disinfect button to scan and disinfect the disk you selected.
- Disinfectant checks each file for infection and attempts to repair any
- infected files which it finds.
- For other kinds of scans, you can use the menus or command keys. The
- Scan and Disinfect menus are described in detail in the section titled
- “Menus.” You can also hold down the following key or keys while clicking
- on the Scan or Disinfect button:
- Option key: Scan a single folder or file.
- Command key: Quickly scan a sequence of floppies.
- Option and command keys: Scan all mounted volumes.
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- • Cancel. This button is active during disk scans. Use it if you want to
- cancel the scan. You can also type Command-Period or Escape to cancel a
- scan.
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- • Quit. Quits the application.
- Both the Scan and Disinfect buttons produce a detailed report in the field
- on the left side of the screen. When the scan is complete, you can use the
- scroll bar to view the entire report.
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- In addition to using the scroll bar, you can also use the up and down arrow
- keys to scroll the report backwards or forwards one line at a time (if
- your keyboard has these keys). To scroll up or down one screen at a time,
- hold down the command key while pressing the up or down arrow key (or
- use the Page Up or Page Down key on the extended keyboard). To jump to
- the beginning or end of the report, hold down both the command and shift
- keys while pressing the up or down arrow key (or use the Home or End
- key on the extended keyboard).
- Several other pieces of information are displayed in the top right corner
- of Disinfectant’s main window:
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- The current disk name is a popup menu. You can click the disk name and
- keep the mouse button held down to get a popup menu listing all of your
- disks. This is an alternative to using the Drive button.
- During a disk scan, the names of the folder and file currently being
- scanned are displayed next to the small folder and file icons. In addition, a
- progress bar fills with gray to indicate the progress of the scan. The
- progress bar is only available on full disk scans. It is not present on folder
- scans, file scans, or scans of server disks.
- The three counters show a running total of how many files have been
- scanned, how many infected files have been discovered, and how many
- errors have been encountered. You can click the small Reset button next
- to the counters to reset all of them to zero.
- xThe Help Window
- This window displays the manual you are reading now. It is opened by the
- “Disinfectant Help” command in the Apple menu or by the Command-H
- keyboard equivalent.
- Use the scroll bar to scroll through the manual.
- In addition to using the scroll bar, you can also use the up and down arrow
- keys to scroll the manual backwards or forwards one line at a time (if
- your keyboard has these keys). To scroll up or down one screen at a time,
- hold down the command key while pressing the up or down arrow key (or
- use the Page Up or Page Down key on the extended keyboard). To jump to
- the beginning or end of the manual, hold down both the command and shift
- keys while pressing the up or down arrow key (or use the Home or End
- key on the extended keyboard).
- You can quickly jump to any section of the manual by clicking on the
- section title in the table of contents on the right side of the window. The
- table of contents is a scrolling menu. Click the triangles at the top and
- bottom of the menu to scroll up or down.
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- The manual can be printed and you can save it as a text file. See the
- section about the File menu for more details.
- Disinfectant offers a method to help you quickly locate information in the
- manual. Press Command-? (or the Help key on the extended keyboard) and
- the cursor will turn into a question mark. Then click any object in any of
- Disinfectant’s windows or select any menu command. Disinfectant will
- bring up the Help window and scroll to the description of that object or
- command.
- If Disinfectant issues an error message in the report, press Command-?
- (or the Help key) and click any error message line (any line that begins
- with “###”) to get a detailed description of that error message.
- If Disinfectant reports that a file is infected by a virus, press Command-?
- (or the Help key) and click the infection message in the report to get a
- detailed description of that virus.
- Help mode can be canceled at any time by pressing Command-Period or by
- pressing Escape or by pressing Command-? (or the Help key) again.
- xThe Preferences Window
- This window lets you set various options and parameters for Disinfectant.
- It is opened by the “Preferences” command in the File menu.
- • Beeping option.
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- This option specifies how many times Disinfectant should beep when an
- infection is discovered. The default is no beeping.
- • Scanning station options.
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- If you wish, you can establish a special Mac in your lab or office to be
- used for nothing but checking for viruses. People can simply insert their
- floppies to have them scanned or disinfected. You can even remove the
- mouse and keyboard to discourage use of the Mac for anything but
- checking for viruses.
- If you do remove the mouse and keyboard, you should first build a special
- System 6 scanning station startup disk:
- Step 1. Make a copy of your Virus Tools floppy. Do not unlock the Virus
- Tools floppy, but leave the copy you made unlocked until step 9 below.
- Eject and put away your original Virus Tools floppy. The remaining steps
- will use the copy.
- Step 2. In the Finder, click the Disinfectant icon to select it. Then use the
- “Set Startup” command in the “Special” menu to set Disinfectant as the
- startup program for this disk.
- Step 3. Restart using the disk you just made. Disinfectant should run
- automatically.
- Step 4. Select the “Preferences” command from the “File” menu to open
- the Preferences window.
- Step 5. Check the “Scanning station with no mouse or keyboard” option.
- Step 6. Select either the “Scan” or the “Disinfect” option.
- Step 7. Close the Preferences window and quit Disinfectant. Click the
- Restart button when you get the “Finder is busy or damaged” alert.
- Step 8. Reinsert your floppy disk after your Mac restarts. You should see
- a third file on the disk named “Disinfectant Prefs.”
- Step 9. Eject and lock the disk. This is your special scanning station
- startup disk.
- You should use this special startup disk whenever you restart your
- scanning station. Disinfectant will automatically start in its floppy
- scanning mode. You should need neither the keyboard nor the mouse at any
- time during the startup process.
- This scanning station option also tells Disinfectant to avoid any situations
- which might require use of the mouse or keyboard in the future.
- We do not recommend that you check this option in any other situation.
- Use it only for scanning stations.
- • Saved text file options.
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- You can save the reports generated by Disinfectant and you can also save
- text-only versions of the manual. These files are always saved as plain
- text files without any formatting and they can be read by any Macintosh
- word processor or editor.
- By default, Disinfectant saves reports as TeachText files and it saves the
- manual as a Microsoft Word file. This means that if you open a saved
- report from the Finder, TeachText will be opened, whereas if you open a
- saved manual from the Finder, Microsoft Word will be opened (if it is
- available on your Mac).
- You can change the applications which own these saved files. The boxes
- containing the names of the applications are popup menus which let you
- select any of the more popular word processors and editors. You can also
- type “creator types” directly in the fields to the right of the application
- names.
- You may notice that the popup menu for saved reports contains more
- application names than does the popup menu for the saved manual. This is
- because the saved manual is very large and not all of the applications can
- handle such large files.
- • Background notification options.
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- Disinfectant can run in the background under System 7 or under System 6
- with MultiFinder. This option specifies how you wish to be notified if an
- infection is discovered or if Disinfectant requires attention for some
- other reason. The default is to display a diamond next to Disinfectant’s
- name in the Application menu (System 7) or in the Apple menu (System 6)
- and to flash the small Disinfectant icon in the menu bar.
- xThe About Window
- This window presents Disinfectant’s About box. (Our apologies to Monty
- Python.) It is opened by the “About Disinfectant” command in the Apple
- menu.